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Throw out your file server, we did

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missing image Don’t worry, we destroyed the hard drives first!

In fact, we threw out an entire multi-floor data center full of servers. We couldn’t do that 5 years ago. “The Cloud” wasn’t a viable solution for most business, especially those with high-compliance and security demands. But like so many things with technology, things change rapidly. The Microsoft Cloud, i.e. Microsoft Office 365, Sharepoint, OneDrive and Azure is now the most reliable, least costly, and most convenient way to access and safeguard your company’s data.

Physical file servers and data centers are expensive, unreliable and vulnerable to cyber-attacks and natural disasters. About two years ago we realized there was no longer a reason to push clients towards physical servers and data centers, and in 2017 we decided to sell our data center. We’re also encouraging our clients to do the same: stop using a file server and get your business into Microsoft’s secure cloud.

Whether you just invested in new servers or have a 7-year-old tower struggling to stay alive in a closet, moving your IT infrastructure to the cloud will save you money and time in the long run, with so many other benefits. If you were once told your business couldn’t use the cloud, it’s more than likely that advice is out of date.

Not to sugarcoat it, making the transition to the cloud isn’t always easy, most businesses need help from a third party to get there, but the benefits are immense. It eliminates the risks of ransomware and disasters. It enables your employees to work securely from anywhere with an internet connection. It easily scales with your business as it grows or scales back, it just takes a few clicks as opposed to having someone come install a whole additional server in your office or find someone to buy the one you don’t use anymore. For practically every business we come across, the cloud is a better solution than physical servers, including our high-security government agency clients.

This is our thing in 2018

We’ve been to the mountain top and want to do whatever it takes to get the rest of our clients off servers and in to the cloud in 2018. You need a plan for your business’s transition to the cloud, and we’re here to help you make it. With free assessments and special migration pricing, 2018 will be the best year to put your server out to pasture.


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